Thursday, July 5, 2018

Happy Birthday USA!

Dateline: July 4th, 2018
Location: Eagle Nest Lake, New Mexico
Mission: Capture images of fireworks

Fireworks are simple and fun to capture on your camera. The best part is just being there and having a good time. But if you want to bring those memories home with you, here is how I do it.

A tripod is a must unless you can remain perfectly still for two seconds. And no, you can’t. Get comfortable on your blanket or chair and set up the camera on the tripod right in front of you so it is easily reached.

Set it to manual and dial in a shutter speed of two seconds at F/14 and ISO 100. Set the focus to infinity.

Next you need to frame the shot. Loosen the head on your tripod so the camera can rotate freely. Watch where the first few fireworks explode and set the zoom and camera angle and then clamp everything down. Leave yourself some room around the edges of the frame because the finales usually involve multiple launches and you don’t want to cut them out of the picture.

Now the fun part. Timing. You will eventually get into a rhythm. You will hear the thump of the launch followed a few seconds later by the burst. You have a two second window for the explosion once you press the shutter button. You will be saying “Nailed that one” or “#%&@”.

We headed to a hill overlooking the lake. Mother Nature provided her own show.

This first batch of photos are what I call "normal" shots. Most have the typical flower look.

Not bad, but kinda boring.

By changing when you press the shutter, you can capture a different look.


You will get remnants of the previous firework mixing with the new one. Neat trails and smoke reflections.

Here are my favorites, a mixture of the two styles.

A Jellyfish.

An Alien Ship Transporting an Octopus.

A Freaky Flower.

A Catfish in the Middle.

Turkey Feathers.

A Neon Octopus with two extra legs.

I just really liked the colors on this one.

I am not an overly religious person, but to me this looks likes souls ascending to heaven. Made me think of my mom. Got a tear in my eye.

The highlight of the week was finally meeting Christina Cordova, my main contact with New Mexico State Parks. She stopped by our campsite at Cimarron today.

Let me set the stage.

Me: Processing these photos on the computer. Unshaven. No shower in four days. Wearing dirty clothes. Yep.

Her: Beautiful.

At least Freddy made a good impression. Everybody loves Freddy.

Finally, Christina, remember what I said to you. My Mom passed away almost 21 years ago and I think of her every day. Your Dad will always be in your heart and watching over you.

Regards (and hugs),
Greg and Freddy